who we are .

Eden Ministries Uganda is a faith based community organization, established to support children and youth through Game connect to Christ. We are using Game and sports to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the community where Gospel had not yet reach with the traditional methods of evangelism.

Game Connect is a structured Sport for gospel ministry and mental health programme that aims to improve the psychosocial wellbeing and mental health of vulnerable youth who are in and out of school.


  We want to glorify God by multiplying believers through sports.


  To see Jesus Christ through sports ministry.

Sports have many benefits if we build a comprehensive, accessible and inclusive community sport system. Improving health and wellbeing Sport can help make people healthier by keeping young people active and healthy, making right decisions using sport help to reduce health risk behaviour, enhancing mental health and promoting healthy aging. Putting children and young people on a positive life course When coaches and parents approach sport in a healthy way, sport can bring particular benefits for girls , foster positive youth development, improve academic achievement, teach positive values and life skills and prevent youth crime and gang involvement. Building stronger and more inclusive communities Sport can help strengthen communities by building social capital, helping newcomers integrate more quickly into society, enhancing inclusion of people with disabilities, strengthening cultural pride and identity, promoting environmental sustainability, awareness and stewardship, providing a platform for social mobilization and making sport facilities more sustainable in Uganda and the world.

   Core Value

  1. We value family. We believe children are heritage from God and a blessing from His hand.
  2. We value integrity .We will do what we say and say what we do.
  3. We value relationship. We believe every person is made in God’s image and we believe people are of greater value than Tasks.
  4. We value biblical truth .We are servant leaders who strive to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.
  5. We value passion .Whatever we do we will do it with all our hearts, will be men and women of passion
  6. We value stewardship. We are all responsible for every coin, dollar, resources and passion with what God has entrusted us with.
  7. Church : we uphold the long term transformative role of the church in the world